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Bjoern O. Forsberg

Pranav Shah

Alister Burt

Primary citation

If you find OccuPy useful for any purpose, plaese refer to it and formally cite the paper:

author = {Forbserg, Bjoern O and Shah, Pranav NM and Burt, Alister},
doi = {TBA},
journal = {bioRxiv},
pages = {1--24},
title = {{OccuPy: Estimation of relative contrast in cryo-EM reconstructions}},
year = {2022}
And do please read the paper on biorXiv.


OccuPy is deployed to PyPi using github and github workflows.

The sigmoid function originates from Prof. Werner Antweiler.

The documentation format is readthedocs, using MkDocs-material, based on a configuration by Talley Lambert.

OccuPy is built purely in python. At it's core, it uses numpy, scipy and matplotlib.

Additional features utilize scikit-image.

I/O is handled by mrcfile, and the command-line interface uses typer.

The GUI was built in PyQt5, using Qt5 designer.